Hatchet The Torturer - Demiplane of Blood


Just Some Noob
Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
Hatchet = Fun Fun event and easy with people that pay attention.

1) hatchet has emotes to follow 4 of them to be exact.

"Hatchet hefts a weighted throwing axe in his offhand and readies to throw it in your direction. You should get as far away as possible."
- "You outdistance the reach of the throwing axe, and it clatters to the floor harmlessly."

"Hatchet lifts his axe high, preparing to bring it down upon you. You should hide between his legs."
- "By darting between Hatchet's hooves, he has no way to strike you."

"Hatchet levels his axe at your upper body and prepares to swing. You should duck."
- "Hatchet's axe passes harmlessly overhead."

"Hatchet locks eyes with you and snorts, pawing at the blood-stained tile with his hooves. He's about to charge directly at you!"Emote everyone sees when hes charging:
"Hatchet the Torturer levels his horns at *persons name here* and prepares to charge!"

You have 10 seconds to do what the emotes say or you take a death touch. The most important one is the one in bold. Whoever that happens to has to take off running around the room in circles kiting hatchet till he stops chasing them. If they dont if hatchet catches that person. He does a AE death touch and anyone within a certain range will die. Its a raid killer. Your guild has to pay attention or you will never win this fight hehe.

One more emote that you will see is:
"You hear the screech of a rusted metal grinding against rusted metal, punctuated by a sharp *click*. A device has been activated."
When this happens a trap was placed somewhere on the ground. Hatchet needs to be walked over to it by the tank (in our case a pally stuns him and walks him to it) and then someone needs to click the trap and make hatchet fall to the ground. I would make only 1 person the person who pulls the trap or people will pull the trap without hatchet on it and mess up the raid. If you pull it without him over it it gives a nasty nasty root AE with a dot.

This has to be done to him 4 times inorder to win the event. Once this has been done 4 times your clerics should then go to CH rotation and start keeping 1 tank on him only. He will still do all emotes and once the charging Emote is over have that one tank back on him and tanking.

Post what you know!


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what are the tortured/enraged spirits for and why/when do they spawn?
They are random adds meant to fuck with you.

Tortured = mezzable
Enraged = OT until Hachet kills them off your you do whichever is first

They regularly memwipe so aggro is a pain

The usually spawn when you trap hachet but towards the end (mainly if you are having an off time) they just start to spawn whenever.

Just make like a PAL, PAL, PAL, CLR, CLR, SHM group or something similar to deal with the Enraged and a standard CC group to deal with the tortured.

The Enraged team can also be responsible for doing battle rezzes.
They are random adds meant to fuck with you.

actually they pop everytime Hatchet goes inactive. usually around 4 of them.

I had started to Macro some of his emotes. But I suck at writing macros. =)
yeah for a set of not so hard core raiders. we are close to entering Deathknell and DemiPlane T2.
how much do they hit for usually? Would like to take this guy in our first few attempts, we have good listeners.
Um hit for around 600-1K with max Avoidance/shielding and about 3500AC.

And if too far ahead in content means beat everything then ya :( But it has been fun and that is all that really matters.

as far as when inactive yes that is true but once the charging emotes stop and you can't make him inactive anymore they continue to appear as if he was inactive.... I never bothered to time it.... I just target and tank it.

My guild is attempting this bad boy. Have gotten him below 50% in the 2nd attempt, but too many people dying to the AE DT = Guild Lobby Rez. Adds are very little of the problem, as I notice he takes them out fairly well, and the mezzable ones are locked down fast. I am pretty sure we'll be seeing him tonight or tomorrow. Definately a fun event though. What really helps here is to make the Audio Triggers. I actually made my own, and it has saved my neck a few times.
He cleaves all adds eventually...After every trap he mem blurs himself. Same with when he BEGINS the charge, so ramp usually becomes a constant problem. Easy event though..lots of fun...we did it with 21 people got him to 90% lol
Event is actually easier the few people you have IMO.

Main reason is less people to miss an emote.... it would just take longer.

I recommend Audio Triggers for all Demi events. It just makes things easier.
i never used audio triggers..only died to DT twice cause i fell asleep mid event one time...got rezzed in..fell asleep again..thank god they were only single person emotes lol
Some people don't like to use them but I really I mean all it is is something to tell him to do X function. I mean if you were given a MAC to do the functions and respond to the emotes would you use it? Really the same thing as something has alerted a function to happen BUT to each there own. The less I used MQ the better I figured.... was more of a solo/6 box tool then a raid tool. Some people can't live without it.

Anyway...where was I going with this.

OH YA.... More power to you for not using them :p
Use Audio Trigers

Audio trigers are FTW on this event. We designate a corner to run to for those that get the Charge emote and just eat the DT. Saves the rest of the raid and if your lucky you can get a cleric to cast a DA on you, before Hatchet gets to you, for the save.
Ya.... just kiting him is so much easier. No reason for people to probable die because he was the lucky straw.
We tried the kite method, but only took one person to get cought with half the raid near them and Boom half the raid dead, reset event and start over.

Having a designated corner to run to made it much easier for us. The raid has a tendancy to stay away from that location due to the fact they know they will die if near the corner, Had problems with raid staying away from Mob when he was charging. The one being charged eats the death and/or get DA before death, in the designated location/corner.

Hattchet has a tendancy to doubleback on you if you have the Zone AE blockers that block the zone wide snare. You can get to far ahead of him and wind up getting hit from behind when you turn around to look for him.
Well first just don't turn around to look for him... you will eventually catch up to him.

Yes in all cases 1 person can fuck it up. It's called discipline and the need to pay attention. Go figure some can't. IMO drop them if it is the same person(s) over and over.

Ultimate result is this though.... if it works for you great BUT don't expect other guilds you might move too to not kite and be ready to pay attention if you were 1 of the ones that fucked up alot.

GL and just remember to have fun!
Hatchet is pretty easy when we make it to him but we're having serious issues getting into his room lately, 2-3 aeing mobs and raid is dead, we've tryed training, oting, rooting, all seem same result. The best way we can work it is sending a DA cleric in and divine rezzing a mage =/ Is there some trick to getting through this area with little death?
Ya we didn't bother to clear to him. We would always suicide a Mage rez him and CoH the raid. Saves an ass load of time.