Matriarch Shyra - Demiplane Access


New member
Jan 18, 2006
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This is a 54 Man Event , Part of the 5 Curse Trials

Raid is Given by Nightmoon in Undershore , Enterance to the Instant is in the Drachnid Area of Stoneroot.

NOTE : Fast respawn of trash in this instant , about 9 minutes
NOTE : If you have a Curse AA , get Focus of the Seventh , the effect for Curse AAs in this instant lowers your strength cap and snares you , Snare isnt bad at all until you have several Curse AAs 10% per AA

Mobs here hit for little but have tons of Hps, Just clear your way to Matriarch Room. Clear all the Spawns fast then have all but your MT , ST and puller wait outside the room.

Do not bother with Shyra's Guards at all , they will repop during the fight , each has a different nasty AE ( Worse one is the FDer ) and no matter when you kill them they spawn together.

NOTE : Shyra is Tethered to her room , however can be pulled out of it just barely

You want your MT and ST to be Invised and standing in the south corner just outside her room, Shyra does not see invis , bard , monk , or Pet puller can do just fine bringing Shyra out single as long as they know what they are doing. Your puller must communicate with MT he needs to know the second Shyra is ready to be tagged its a juggling act because of Tether range

Once your MT has agro and pulled back to corner , on Assist call entire raid moves in and along the south wall of Shyra's outer room, this is to help prevent dealing with hall repops during the fight.

Shyra has a fair amount of Hps but not to bad , Hits for 4K max with a good Skilled Tank this is not a problem.

The Silence is easily resisted providing you make sure to have your resists maxed out , it is Prismatic and hatelist based Cast every 60 seconds