jevlin in COA HELP !


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Mar 9, 2006
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hiya guys , stuck in COA at jevlin, anyone got some good strats?

/hug maxine
The basics.....

During the fight you want to keep their health within 10% of each other max or you'll get additional aoes - one being silence. We normally take them down in stages. First to 85% and hold, then to 75% and hold, then 65% and hold. Etc all the way down to 15%. Once you get into the routine they really drop about the same rate. South AoE is generally the only one you need to worry about. Keep 2 shamans with your main healers to keep the aoe cured fast. Use Bard or Beastlord for additional cures in supplemental groups.

Setup we used when first doing Jelvan:

Group 1-3 South.

Group 1:
2xShaman (Cures with Nadox - 2 casts - 1 each)
Druid (RT Healer)
Warrior (MT)

Group 2:
Bard (Cures Cleric)

Group 3
Beastlord (Cures Druid)
Druid (RT Healer/Backup)
Shadowknight (RT)

Group 4-6 West.

Group 4:
2xCleric (MT Healers)
Druid (RT Healer)
Warrior (MT)

Group 5:
2xPaladin (1 RT)

Group 6:

Group 7-9 East.

Group 7:
2xShadowknight (1 MT - 1 Backup Tank)
4xCleric (MT Healers - we were scared :)

Group 8:

Group 9:
Shadowknight (RT)
Druid (RT Healer)
Having a paladin rampage tank with Da hammer is preferable if you're short on healers, as these mobs don't hit very hard, so most anguish level paladins won't even need a healer.

My guild just takes them down, and one person from each side calls health in raid channel every 2-3%. If one side is getting too low, we call for them to stop dps on that side until the others can catch up.

Somthing important to note - the AE's are hatelist based, and you do not want to get them crossed - i.e. if osmeone from the south tormentor goes over to west, eventually everyone at west will be getting south AE.. it's important no one switch sides. Exceptions are bards (fade), monk (FD), rogue (evade), and shadowknight (FD) to clear aggro. They can just Fd in the center until they've lost aggro and then move to wherever they're needed. Typically my guild just has rogues evade and move if one side is signifigantly low on dps.

Another important thing to note - they have weird rampage, and if anyone is in line of sight of the mob (even if the ramp tank technically gets on aggro first) they have a chance at being on rampage.. so make sure no one is in line of sight when they spawn except the ramp tank and real tank.

Also, west is unslowable, don't waste time trying to slow west. You need all shaman on south curing. Have your best tank on west due to the AE stun and higher dps output of the mob, and have a patcher for when stun happens (we use a druid).

The most important thing is to just balance dps to all sides, and have a lot of healers and tanks online. As long as you can do that and none of your clerics get on rampage by accident (it happens a lot, like I said, they have weird rampage), should be no problem.
Going to post a nice Jelvin script you can use. it will require one char to not be doing any DPS... do a pet class so he can still do some DPS.. Will be posting it in the Macro Sections..
low number jelvan

well there is also another strat aka kitting :)

have a warrior with about 2 clerics and all the dps in your raid go to the north mob cell

another warrior with 1 cleric / 1 patch healer( shaman prefered for slowing =) / 1 pally in the east room

and 2 rangers / 1 shaman ( for curing / healing ) / 1 chanter with rapture in west cell

- Trigger the event , the north wing mob will be DPSed down and killed as fast as possible - jelvan will keep casting that mitigation buff on tanks very often then - , while the east will offtank the mob - Pally with DA hammer for RT - till the first mob is down , meanwhile people in the west cell will be kitting the 3rd tormentor as he can be snared , rooted etc etc so have the rangers do that while the shaman is curing the grp and healing the ranger in case he gets hit ( make sure the ranger engages with WS at start so he builds up some aggro and keep building it while kitting , also make sure noone apart this grp gets the aggro from the 3rd tormentor ( the chanter should be mezzing the shaman so he doesnt get hit by the aoe too often /duel works for that )

proceed to kill the north tormentor , then east , med up while the rangers are kitting then pull the 3rd one to the cell and burn it :)

( used for doing jelvan event with low numbers , i know its old but well in case some of you didnt know it ^^ )
Our strat figures that we can probably deal with the crap and just DPS through. We need about 40 on to do it well. Key bits:

-Gotta have someone start it, with FD. They start it and vroom over to to the fight and flop to prevent bringing aggro to all.
-3 mobs, all ramp. Thus, 3 pallies with DA hammer negate that. A shammy or druid is plenty to heal ramp on this.
-3 mobs, all attack. Duh! So we use 6 tanks, 2 on each.
-6 tanks means we need healers!

We set up a group east and west in the cubbys. Those groups have a slower (for east? the other, forget about slowing him). Each of those groups has 2 clerics, 2 tanks, and a debuffer of some form or another.

Everyone else is south, in the cubby.

Start the event. Ramp tanks grab the mobs and bring them into cubby nearest them. Burn south. Burn west. Burn east. The bulk of the raid (read: dps) starts south and then moves to the next one to kill.

It's important to not get cross aggro because of the AE's, and this strat eliminates it, if people don't move around.

Works for us, it's sloppy, but really pretty easy. This is one of the harder events in CoA (OMM being hardest), and I'd say this is second. AMV is easy if you use the pull we use, as then we get zero adds.
My guild tried the tormentor ring tonight using the burn south then the west then east we wiped with the south at 37% any help would be helpful just broke into CoA third raid so might be weak on gear.
My guild did burn east->west->south. That said, it can take a few tries before everyone is on the ball enough to get this event down.
Burning one by one is a little more gear reliant, in my opinion this is a very very simple event, that people tend to over complicate.

The east side, is the easy side, 2-3 clerics can easily keep a tank/ramptank up on this side. Load this side with wizards/mages, more for dps, than anything.

The south side, you want to load your best geared clerics on, keep minimal caster dps 2-3 clerics can heal this one with a druid patch healing the tank ramp tank. This side you want to put more melee dps, the mana drain can be a bitch for newer anguish guilds. Also have your MT group, keep rotating group cures around, with RC and it reduces the mana drain immensely. A healer should be in each group on this side.

West side, stun side, use 2-3 clerics again with a patch healer for your ramp tank/MT. This side is tricky because the the stun can be nasty on newer anguish guilds, for keeping a tank up, so a way to gimp this is to have a mage stand right above the room on the upper platform with a cleric/or whatever patch healer, whos sole purpose is to heal just after the stun. (Example: Stun goes off, extra cleric throws a few heals till stun drops of rotation clerics, mage cohs the extra cleric back to the top taking him off aggro list so the stun never lands on the extra cleric, this ensures your tanks safety in the event he takes a bad round during stuns. This side usually throw a druid or something in each dps group to keep them alive. (Good to have lev on this side also so you dont get thrown everywhere.)

Basically you want to balance your dps out, have this % based callers who call out each side %, need to keep them within 5% of each other so they jelvan helps you rather than hurts you.

Just a few things to maybe think of, if you are having issues.

Also if you do not want to balance and burn, it is probably best to burn West, South, East.
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Ok tried burning again and got the south tormentor to 2% and lost the ma/rt
and lost the dps shortly after that. West stayed up and was the last to die, was wondering since one of them is snareable that means its rootable also so could you just root him and leave him alone? Or raid dps is mostly caster so balencing would be really rough, the west and east tormentors the tank and healers where fine it was the south that was owning us. I tanked the south with some crappy gear mix of time and qvic. Any help would be helpful.
well he is rootable , but tends to break it too often to be reliable so snaring and kitting around is more secure if you are planning on doing it that way :)

and well wipes kinda happen often the first days till you get it done 1 time then you won't wipe on it again even with low numbers ( doing it with as low as 25 peeps DP geared at some time )
some help

Ok im wondering during the jelvin event I know that each tormenter has an ae do they gain additional ae's as there hp decreases or if they get unbalenced? We only have 1 pally and only 3 warriors so trying to find out how to do the event also have 3 sk's. We mostly have caster dps.
If they get out of 5% range of each other they begin to unbalance and the AEs start to cross over.
We put 1 group with a tank and healer in the east side and a group in the west side. Group is really 2 tanks and enough healing to keep them alive.

Everyone else goes to the south room and we burn that mob down first. Do not have anyone cross aggro the mobs and we don't usually get crossed up AE's.

After south, we burn the west mob, then east. Hardest part is living through the south mob.
The ae's only cross over if you have someone say hit mob 1 and then run to mob 2. If you keep each of the groups in the kill rooms on the mob they are set for you can help yourself out. The unbalance makes the mobs dps go up 35%. We also used DA hammer pallies when we started doing that event. The DA pally makes it easy, once they learn how to use the proc and time their heals. It sounds like your getting cross agro from people running back and forth. Keep em on the mobs you designate and you will beat this event.
We do south first, just make sure noone is casting AOE's of any sort (they transfer agro and make you deal with all 3 AE's at once). <-- Including bard songs

Also if you burn infusion at the beginning of the fight you resist most of the south AE's, after that, the rest are mostly trivial.
I'm probably repeating someone else here but here is what we do.

3 teams, each with a shaman

Team 1 East (One group)
Warrior (MA)
Knight (SA/Ramp)
Misc Healer
Misc Healer

Team 2 South (One group)
Warrior (Best one ya got)
Knight (SA/Ramp)
Druid Or Cleric

Them 3 (Everyone Else)
Stick Warrior Shaman and Cleric or two in a group for easy healage.

Each team should be treated as self contained, no one is allowed to cast on, assist anyone in another team.

Shaman and warriors enter the cells in the E,W,S side. Knights at the door, everyone else stays above to not get in the way. Soon as you trigger the event SA's grab their designated mobs and pull them into the cells. Team 3 (the big group) gets the assist call and burns down the west side, while teams 1 and 2 keep their mobs busy. South team will have the tougher time, he hits harder. Once west is dead the big group moves south, and incorporates team 2 into it. Kill the south one and evenryone moves east sucking in team 1.

Good luck!
one at a time

what we do is place one group in each cell. have one mt and one rt. then all other dps goes into south cage. we kill south then east then west. it has been working for with out any crossover AE's. you just need to make sure that the groups in east and west have slower and a couple of healers.
hope this helps some of you out.
1 group

Just started doing CoA 1 group with a friend (100% legit), have KtH, Ture and Hanvar down easy, but we're looking to take on AMV. And for that, you need Jelvan down.

Setup is SK, monk, 2x sham, rog and cler.

What we've tried so far is to just pull the 3 to south cell and tank them all at once. We can get south mob down to like 75% before shit hits the fan. Problem obviously is the crossed AEs, particular the stun/KB and silence.

I know this has been done with 1 group before, at least that's the prevailing rumor :p

Any of you ubers got a hint or strat for tiny raids? Like, i know west? is rootable, would that be a viable strat or does he break it too often?

Any help greatly appreciated.
Ive done coa 100% legit w/ 1 group before and i just just a c.heal on the tank and a hot on as well. If you need to time the silence/stun, just keep the promised restoration on the tank as well. With good timing of Restoration, cheal, shammy hot, and you should be fine. Also, if you lack on resists somehow, try an elemental powersource to get you the most resists you might be lacking.