Warrior Healing Will Disc.


New member
Feb 25, 2006
Reaction score
Not sure if this is bugged or not, but if you wait about 2mins when your endurance is low just sit for 2mins or so, then click healing will disc and then click it off instantly you will gain between 1k and 2k endurance depending on how long you have sat doing nothing. I dont believe this disc is set to give back endurance, only hp, but could be wrong so posting on it. For warriors this is awsome after using mighty strike, savage onslaught, furious, stonewall this gives back enough for full set of stonewall and savage onslaught repops when chain pulling.
If someone can confirm this as working, it's a Yes from me for at least a week subscription.
lol you may have a warrior real soon Bunkhouse
If I can pry myself from WoW I will give a test with my warrior. If being the key word :p
It didn't work for me but I only tried once, I'll try a couple more times.
Tested and confirmed. I sat for about 7 or so minutes, clicked it while still sitting and went from about 35% endurance to about 73% endurance. Without clicking it off though. It is probably a the more you sit, the more you get back, though I doubt it was designed to do that. So yeah, this works, and is hella awesome for warriors that have just died on a raid, they can build back up endurance fast with this. I give it two thumbs up.
Welcome back Terin! I'm sure alot of warriors will be happy once someone figures out why it only works for some people after 7 minutes.
Ok, I think I'll try to explain what he was experiencing, though I could be wrong.

First off, there's this charm item - Stone of Defiance. It's basically a Tainted Heartstone for pure melees (not hybrids). Since pure melees don't need mana, they can go without any food/drink and not need to worry about the negative effects being hungry/thirsty has on meditation (though now with OOC regen even meditate isn't that important).

All you need to be is hungry/thirsty and this charm is maxed at any level. Ok, well, when you are hungry/thirsty as a melee, your endurance doesn't report correctly on the UI window. Now, if you attempt to cast any spell, and either interrupt it, or complete it, it will refresh your current endurance properly, so it appears as though you just gained a ton of endurance.

So by clicking healing will, a spell, and clicking it off, you have in effect casted a spell and thus your endurance will now show properly.

Most people use stat food so they wouldn't notice this and it wouldn't work for them properly.