Wanderlust Charm Aug


P 858.6828, -1545.9799, -128.2730,  240, 240, 0,  2,  WL:_Nesting_Grounds
P -710.7075, -798.9836, 123.2489,  240, 240, 0,  2,  WL:_Stone_Span
P -395.6343, -451.1142, 161.4767,  240, 240, 0,  2,  WL:_Top_of_the_Shattered_Hall
P -65.3643, -1361.1842, 49.7813,  240, 240, 0,  2,  WL:_Locate_the_Artifact
P 330.2985, -1910.4624, -199.8650,  240, 240, 0,  2,  WL:_Where_the_lava_pools

Missing only the very last location. However I know where its located. Its in the very north wing. Go as far north as can then turn east. You will need leviate jump down its a path that leads to the east wing but is blocked by a gate. Once you get down in that area you will get the update. Ill post the info for that last step later today as im gonna do it today probably.

You cant find the locations because either A) you havent tried :p and B) you very much so need a group for this. You can do goblin shroud if you are willing to suicide about 4 to 5 times.

ALSO - After the next patch (whenever that might be) those of you that have not did Ashengate step will need to to have your charm maxed at 75/75. Its bugged atm and not including Ashen. So I suggest you go ahead and do this and get it out of the way.
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I did completely Fnish this. I had drop down using levi inside of ashengate to get to the other end of the Gate. After getting through the gate. hehehe ... but yes it si stuck at 75/75/75 and the stats and AC maybe they will raise it next patch who knows... But I did finish this... Oh well.
updated previous post with last spot from ashengate.

Make note that you HAVE to go though the north wing for the last spot. Then get levitate and jump down to the dragon head. Cant go east as the gate is locked and you cant get update from east side.
my /zone works

can anone make this a macro so it goes faster p
Because you are all lazy....like me

I have written up to Vergalid Mines, feel free to add and continue, or i will later.

|Wanderlust 1.0
|Start in Crescent Reach by Master Vanguard Regan
|Requires a couple stacks of cloudy potions

#include Spell_Routines.inc 

Sub Main
/Echo ============================= 
/Echo Wanderlust
/Echo ============================= 

/call gm
/call pc
/call mission
/goto :main


Sub mission
/target regan
/warp target
/delay 1s
/if (${Target.Distance} >30) {
/echo Master Vanguard Regan is to far away start the macro next to him
/delay 1s 
/keypress h
/delay 2s
/say wanderlust
/delay 2s
/say join
/delay 2s
/say do this

/if (!${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Open}) { 
      /delay 5s ${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Open}
      /goto :wait1 
   /if (${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Open}) /notify TaskSelectWnd AccpetButton leftmouseup 

/delay 1s
/zone moors
/delay 10s
/call moors1

|Blightfire Moors 1.0

Sub moors1
/call pc
/call gm
/if (!${Me.Invis}) /call invis
/warp loc -46.88 663.03 18.60
/delay 3s
/if (!${Me.Invis}) /call invis
/warp loc 1434.81 3051.55 216.00
/delay 3s
/if (!${Me.Invis}) /call invis
/warp loc -2001.16 820.30 -37.23
/delay 3s
/if (!${Me.Invis}) /call invis
/zone crescent 
/delay 30s
/target regan
/warp target
/delay 1s
/keypress h
/if (!${Window[RewardSelectionWnd].Open}) { 
      /delay 5s ${Window[RewardSelectionWnd].Open}
      /goto :wait1 
   /if (${Window[RewardSelectionWnd].Open}) /notify RewardSelectionWnd SelectOptionButton leftmouseup 
/delay 3s
/keypress h
/delay 3s
/if (!${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Open}) { 
      /delay 5s ${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Open}
      /goto :wait1 
   /if (${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Open}) /notify TaskSelectWnd AcceptButton leftmouseup 
/zone moors
/call zone
/delay 1s
/call moors2

|Blightfire Moors 2.0

Sub moors2
/call pc
/call gm
/tar gimlek
/delay 1s
/warp t
/delay 3s
/keypress h
/delay 3s
/keypress h
/delay 2s
/say friend
/delay 2s
/say adventure
/delay 2s
/say spots
/delay 3s

/if (!${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Open}) { 
      /delay 5s ${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Open}
      /goto :wait1 
   /if (${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Open}) /notify TaskSelectWnd AcceptButton leftmouseup 
/delay 5s

/if (!${Me.Invis}) /call invis
/warp loc -2020.00 1620.00 -45.55
/delay 3s
/if (!${Me.Invis}) /call invis
/warp loc -120 -820 53.00
/delay 3s
/if (!${Me.Invis}) /call invis
/warp loc 500.00 -500.00 -90.00
/delay 3s
/if (!${Me.Invis}) /call invis
/warp loc 245.04 1300.80 105.00
/delay 3s
/zone crescent 
/delay 30s
/target regan
/warp target
/delay 1s
/keypress h
/delay 3s
/keypress h
/delay 3s
/if (!${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Open}) { 
      /delay 5s ${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Open}
      /goto :wait1 
   /if (${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Open}) /notify TaskSelectWnd AcceptButton leftmouseup 
/delay 5s
/zone moors
/delay 1s
/call zone
/delay 1s
/call moors3

|Blightfire Moors 3.0

Sub moors3
/call pc
/call gm
/tar pilgrim
/delay 1s
/warp t
/delay 3s
/keypress h
/delay 3s
/keypress h
/delay 2s
/say business
/delay 2s
/say dragon
/delay 2s
/say willing
/delay 3s
/if (!${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Open}) { 
      /delay 5s ${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Open}
      /goto :wait1 
   /if (${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Open}) /notify TaskSelectWnd SelectOptionButton leftmouseup 
/delay 5s
/if (!${Me.Invis}) /call invis
/warp loc -987.16 -2316.03 183.74
/delay 3s
/if (!${Me.Invis}) /call invis
/warp loc -480.07 -3488.11 162.90
/delay 3s
/if (!${Me.Invis}) /call invis
/warp loc 538.22 -2356.66 109.66 
/delay 3s
/if (!${Me.Invis}) /call invis
/tar Selay
/delay 3
/warp t
/delay 2s
/say vasha
/delay 3s
/if (!${Me.Invis}) /call invis
/warp loc 2177.66 -3076.09 130.08 
/delay 3s
/zone crescent
/delay 30s
/target regan
/warp target
/delay 1s
/keypress h
/delay 3s
/keypress h
/delay 3s
/if (!${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Open}) { 
      /delay 5s ${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Open}
      /goto :wait1 
   /if (${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Open}) /notify TaskSelectWnd AcceptButton leftmouseup 
/delay 1s
/call zone
/delay 1s
/zone mesa
/delay 1s
/call mesa1

|Goru`Kar Mesa 1.0

Sub mesa1
/tar pioneer
/delay 1s
/warp t
/delay 3s
/keypress h
/delay 3s
/keypress h
/delay 2s
/say beasts
/delay 2s
/say satrys
/delay 2s
/say stumbled
/delay 2s
/say investigate
/delay 3s
/if (!${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Open}) { 
      /delay 5s ${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Open}
      /goto :wait1 
   /if (${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Open}) /notify TaskSelectWnd SelectOptionButton leftmouseup 
/delay 5s
/call pc
/call gm
/if (!${Me.Invis}) /call invis
/warp loc -800.00 1100.00 87.00
/delay 3s
/if (!${Me.Invis}) /call invis
/warp loc -700 2100 28.00
/delay 3s
/if (!${Me.Invis}) /call invis
/warp loc -1640.00 -700.00 18.00
/delay 3s
/if (!${Me.Invis}) /call invis
/warp loc -530.00 -940.00 25.00
/delay 3s
/if (!${Me.Invis}) /call invis
/warp loc 240.00 -580.00 21.00
/delay 3s
/if (!${Me.Invis}) /call invis
/warp loc 20.00 275.00 17.00
/if (!${Me.Invis}) /call invis
/warp loc -664.48 -49.74 180.00
/delay 5s
/zone crescent
/delay 30s
/target regan
/warp target
/delay 1s
/keypress h
/delay 3s
/keypress h
/delay 3s
/if (!${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Open}) { 
      /delay 5s ${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Open}
      /goto :wait1 
   /if (${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Open}) /notify TaskSelectWnd AcceptButton leftmouseup 
/zone mesa
/delay 2s
/call zone
/delay 2s
/call mesa2

|Goru`Kar Mesa 2.0

Sub mesa2
/call pc
/call gm
/if (!${Me.Invis}) /call invis
/warp loc -12.03 1402.41 38.00
/delay 3s
/if (!${Me.Invis}) /call invis
/warp loc 1465.49 3352.26 210.00
/delay 3s
/zone roost
/delay 5s
/call zone
/delay 5s
/call pc
/call gm
/if (!${Me.Invis}) /call invis
/warp loc 2072.33 -1525.99 -307.94
/zone mesa
/delay 3s
/call zone
/call pc
/call gm
/if (!${Me.Invis}) /call invis
/warp loc -411.56 2630.35  -62.74
/delay 3s
/call zone
/delay 3s
/zone crescent
/delay 30s
/target regan
/warp target
/delay 1s
/keypress h
/delay 3s
/if (!${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Open}) { 
      /delay 5s ${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Open}
      /goto :wait1 
   /if (${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Open}) /notify TaskSelectWnd AcceptButton leftmouseup
/delay 3s 
/zone sunderock
/delay 5s
/call zone
/call sunderock


Sub sunderock
/call pc
/call gm
/if (!${Me.Invis}) /call invis
/warp loc -1616.99 896.61 374.24
/delay 3s
/if (!${Me.Invis}) /call invis
/warp loc -3019.72 -276.60 36.38
/delay 3s
/if (!${Me.Invis}) /call invis
/warp loc 331.65 -703.13 238.39
/delay 3s
/if (!${Me.Invis}) /call invis
/warp loc 302.79 1018.32 221.23
/delay 3s
/if (!${Me.Invis}) /call invis
/warp loc 3035.79 -1250.12 352.89
/if (!${Me.Invis}) /call invis
/zone crescent 
/delay 30s
/target regan
/warp target
/delay 1s
/keypress h
/delay 2s
/keypress h
/if (!${Window[RewardSelectionWnd].Open}) { 
      /delay 5s ${Window[RewardSelectionWnd].Open}
      /goto :wait1 
   /if (${Window[RewardSelectionWnd].Open}) /notify RewardSelectionWnd AcceptButton leftmouseup 
/call end


Sub end
/delay 1s
/echo woot

Sub zone
/target myself 
/If (!${Target.ID}) /goto :Fading 
/delay 5s
/target clear

|Invis check

Sub invis
/call cast "Cloudy Potion" item

|GM check

Sub gm
/if (!${Spawn[gm].ID}) /return
/echo GM is in the zone waiting 2 min
/delay 2m
/goto :gm

|player radius check

Sub pc
/if (${SpawnCount[pc radius 200]}==1) /return
/echo Another player to close waiting 2 min
/delay 2m
/goto :pc


It is untested which means it probably won't work but the mac geniuses may have to look over it.


  • wanderlust.mac
    8.7 KB · Views: 399
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Thanks for the effort

Thanks so much for the work that you put into the macro. I don't know how to code the macros but am definitely getting more familiar with the language. I tested this macro and it was failing in a couple of places but haven't figured out where exactly. I know that you need to drop invis before getting the next quest and it kept looping on the dragon.
trying to do this Ashengate part again on another toon and cant seem to remember how to get the last part, where the lava pools..........any loc anyone can give me would be great
everything you need is already posted here in the thread.
yeah but i cant remember how to get down to that area and its not complete on my map...........anyone have a complete map
Pepper said:
Make note that you HAVE to go though the north wing for the last spot. Then get levitate and jump down to the dragon head. Cant go east as the gate is locked and you cant get update from east side.


The exact spot is where the very first update is. If you look out north of it you will see lava down below and a dragon head. Have levitate on and float down to the dragon head for your update. You need a group for this or some good death skills and warp.

First spots name = Locate the Artifact
preciousmom said:
I tested this macro and it was failing in a couple of places but haven't figured out where exactly. I know that you need to drop invis before getting the next quest.

Anyone know how i would write that one in?

/notify BuffWindow Buff${Math.Calc[${Me.Buff[Nameofinvisbuff].ID}-1].Int} leftmouseup

Insert name of your invis buff and put this in macro where you want it clicked off
Well i have completed all steps for it and use lots of warping for last 2 quest in the series. FrostCrypt and Ashengates where a pain in the ass.

I use lots of warping for last 2 zones, i died a few times, but each time i died and didnt get task update, i use mycorpse YXZ location and make a hotkey that did /warp loc Y X Z and then /warp succor, i worked very well for me.

I crafted the artisan charm, have 2 slots on it, one type 7 other type 8, this charm with decent augs rocks. 225hp max for charm, 100hp max from ldon aug and 75hp from this quest, thats make a potential fixed 400hp charm item.

Now time to raise up tradeskills and finish some LDON rofl!
i guess im geting lag or somthing it wont select the mission for me and keeps messing up after first part
the mac is still a major work in progress, and alot have allready done it before the mac was posted.
I am working on this macro today, doing well sofar.

Should see something within a couple of hours at the most !
thanks yoda, like i said i started it, and won't take much to finish but thanks again.
Truly appreciate the hard work

Thanks for the hard work that everyone has put into this quest. Awesome aug and nice to be able to get something that you don't need an entire raid to achieve LOL. Just finished my artisan charm, used the slipgear mac a while back for that aug and used the initial wanderlust mac here to do most of this aug. Should finish this quest up today, well until the last step, need a little more xp to hit 75. Again, thanks for the work, it is very much appreciated by the "code challeged" individuals.
I'm sorry I completely missed you ask this Pepper:

Pepper said:
Enter the Shade Kings Chamber

Did you guys get into that without cheating? such as warp/remove doors.

Door seems still broken...

The trigger for the door is the far left torch on the wall. Get up close to wall and pan up and click the unlit torch fixture to move the statue forward in Frostcrypt to get back to the King's Chamber. The ice golem sees through IVU which kinda blows.

EDIT* And I just noticed that going back there is removed from task again. So won't even need to go there.