Master Vule the Silent Tear - Demiplane Access


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Jan 18, 2006
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Any thoughts of a strategy? I understand the aggro/banish and the DT/moonstone thing with the lever but i can't seem to figure out a solid strat. Any info would be hot.


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Rejekted71 said:
Any thoughts of a strategy? I understand the aggro/banish and the DT/moonstone thing with the lever but i can't seem to figure out a solid strat. Any info would be hot.

I won't call it a strat per say but there is the right way and the cheese way.

Right way is 24 are present for fight others decession to ZI. Team to man the lever. DPS to death. Very straight forward. at 60% he starts to mez the Tanks at the time.

Cheese way 24 involved in fight others just outside the battle area.... X person dies and 1 of the people on the outside runs in and take their place. Rinse and repeat on death. Other then that follow same as the right way.
24 people engaged to vule, 6-7 people lever team, rest on backup/oh shit duty.

I'll leave the actual combat strat for learning :)
Rejekted71 said:
Any thoughts of a strategy? I understand the aggro/banish and the DT/moonstone thing with the lever but i can't seem to figure out a solid strat. Any info would be hot.

You already understand only 24 can be on agro at once yes? Ill assume so by that quote.

We have 24 people on vule and 6 doing lever with the rest of the people standing around looking cool waiting till 1 of the 24 people die to jump in on vule. People not in the 24 agro cant agro vule in anyway this includes buffing.

I dont know about the right and wrong way thing that SturmLQ posted. Seems a bit to confident not to mention to much work to decess everyone to zone in but the 30 people involved heh. Having back up is not cheese its more of smart seeing as how its totally allowed.

We find a spot on the wall to pin vule (he isnt cornerable anywhere so dont bother trying) Knight pulls him so he can get on actual rampage. There are 2rampages 1 AE and 1 real one that is pretty heavy.

1 warrior can easily tank him down to 60 percent sometimes farther if lucky from no mez. This mez seems to be a complete agro wipe as well sending you back to the bottom of the list. We use cleric rotation till the mez starts then go to /assist healing from there. Its very important at this point for all your tanks (including knights) to be high on agro else a mez = casters (clerics mainly) are going to get raped.

If Vule has so much agro built up on clerics (which happens sometimes) and tanks cant get agro off a Enchanter memblurs him and we restart agro from there.

Outside of this, I dont know much more to say.
pepper said:
Seems a bit to confident not to mention to much work to decess everyone to zone in but the 30 people involved heh.

Doesn't take that much work but confident because it works hehe

pepper said:
We find a spot on the wall to pin vule (he isnt cornerable anywhere so dont bother trying)

Either we get really lucky or your statement is wrong because we corner him everytime.

Either way I am sure with the information here you have more then enough to beat the event and cater it to your guilds methods.
SturmLQ said:
Either we get really lucky or your statement is wrong because we corner him everytime.

Share where you corner him at please if dont mind. We tried every spot we could find in his room to speak and nothing.

While we found him cornerable our tanks would always get summoned and fall though the wall and go to zone in or stoneroot if we did it. So thats why I called it not cornerable.
to the right as you face him about 2 or 3 cubbies we fight him right next to a gargoyle. Double shrunk of coarse. Haven't had issues with the walls either.
Maybe this was fixed at the time the pathing bugs where fixed in the zone.

We havent did vule in some 3 or so months. Back then though cornering him anywhere usually ment the tank was going to get summoned in the wall and fall to stoneroot.

If we do this again ill give it a shot and see how it goes.
Wierd.... been doing it that way since I started doing him 6+ Months ago. Hope all works out for you.
so no tips on lever etc, or is that easy to figure out!
Ech0b0y said:
so no tips on lever etc, or is that easy to figure out!

If you use TeamSpeak it helps. For the person doing the Moon Relic, use the macro Taron wrote, found [ame=""]here[/ame], it works 100%. I have used it the last few months, and tonight even though some new people we got flagged didn't click right we won any way. You need mq2tswitch (used to toggle switches and doors), /doors will list em in MQ window. What I did was use the ACTIONS window and set up 12 "HOT LEYS", /mac vule 1, /mac vule 2, etc and this will do all the work basically for you. When someone says "Red Garg 1", you click 1, and it will rotation to that position and announce to raid to click it.

Have a team of at least 6 people in the LEVER rotation, and have people watching the golems of course that are reliable, usually we assign 1 person to call 3 golems each, so 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, and 10-12. I usually /size myself to 12 or larger and watch golems 10-12 while doing the Moon Relic. Oh and FD helps to keep you off any aggro. At the larger size you can see over the Moon Relic and have the 3 golems in view all the time (since you're FD'd).

If you don't want to wipe, make sure to tell people that if they target either the lever or the moon relic and click them by accident you could wipe the raid, espcially if it is before aggro is estabilished.

Any one really can click the lever, but you want someone that is NOT on aggro preferable. And if things get bad like you lost a lever puller, any one should be able to step in or you could do BOTH the lever and Moon Relic if you pay attention. I set a button up for /switch 47 (Lever), in case I need to pull it myself, but remember you will be fatigued from it after for a bit, just like everyone else (only the lever not the moon relic).
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So it seems you have one person for moon relic, and 6 for lever? And gargs become active at certain spots, and clicking the lever correctly deactivates them?
Ech0b0y said:
So it seems you have one person for moon relic, and 6 for lever? And gargs become active at certain spots, and clicking the lever correctly deactivates them?
